Якби сукерберги не банили то була б у медія нормальна дискусія і не було б цього дурдому.
Тим паче, що Фаучі та деякі інші по вуха причетні до створення цього вірусу.
ЛОЛ! тут і без цукерберга все зрозуміло. Як на мене, вакцинація - то дарвінізм у дії. Ідіоти і комуняки самовипиляються.
Ось лише з останніх новин:
Вакцинований студент заразився від вакцинованого родича (який теж заразився від вакцинованого) і заразив ... 83 чоловік
. Це Ізраїль і відповідно Пфайзер
https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1411984941416652804Тут же у Великобританії (чи не з найвищими рівнями вакцинації у світі) вакциновані мруть як мухи:
https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/commentisfree/2021/jun/27/why-most-people-who-now-die-with-covid-have-been-vaccinatedБільшість тих, хто вмирають від ковіду, є вакцинованими.Study shows 29% of the 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had BOTH vaccinations.” In Public Health England’s technical briefing on 25 June, that figure had risen to 43% (50 of 117), with the majority (60%) having received at least one dose.
Ну і особливий привіт для жіночок-ентузіасток:
The U.K.’s government vaccine adverse event system has collected more 2,200 reports of reproductive disorders after coronavirus injections, including excessive or absent menstrual bleeding, delayed menstruation, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, and stillbirths.
In the U.K., the Yellow Card adverse event reporting system includes 2,233 reports of “reproductive and breast disorders” after reception of AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines.
The U.K. Yellow Card program reports 1,465 reactions involving reproductive systems as well as 19 “spontaneous abortions” (miscarriages), five premature labors, and two stillbirths in association with the AstraZeneca vaccine as of April 5.
The reports include:
255 cases of abnormal uterine bleeding
242 reports of unusual breast pain and swelling
182 women who experienced absent or delayed menstruation
175 cases of heavy menstrual bleeding
165 cases of vaginal hemorrhaging
55 reports of genital swelling, lesions, rashes or ulcerations
19 cases of postmenopausal hemorrhaging
12 cases of premature or “artificial” menopause
Another 768 reports of “reproductive and breast disorders” have been reported for Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in the U.K., as well as 42 “spontaneous abortions,” five premature labor onsets, and two stillbirths. These include:
265 reports of breast changes, including 22 reports of breast cancer and 177 reports of breast pain
134 cases of irregular menstrual bleeding
127 reports of absent or light menstruation
92 cases of heavy bleeding
73 cases of vaginal hemorrhaging
5 reports of postmenopausal hemorrhaging
5 cases of premature or ‘artificial’ menopause
Male reproductive disorders are fewer, but 75 Yellow Card reports on AstraZeneca’s vaccine include 63 erectile dysfunction reactions, 50 cases of testicular pain, 11 cases of scrotal pain and swelling, and three reports of haematospermia, or blood in sperm.
Pfizer’s Yellow Card includes 22 reports of testicular and scrotal pain and 21 counts of sexual dysfunction.
None of the Yellow Card reports reveal details about the individuals who experienced the side effects. However, 32-year-old Lorri Emmily Lowe of the U.K. said she felt cramping three days after receiving AstraZeneca’s vaccine in February.
“I also had a completely unusable arm for 24 hours,” she told LifeSiteNews. “It was excruciating and I was pretty much bed-bound just because of the arm. I had to laugh like a mad person for strange pain.”
Lowe said she felt “out of sorts” for about three days but what worried her most was that her menstrual cycle that had been predictably “perfect” for 10 years (not including pregnancies) suddenly vanished.
She had a strange “spotting” episode that she has never had in her life before and her period was five days late. “I’m never late. I’ve been consistent for many, many years,” she said, and when it did come on it was “super heavy and lasted eight days.”
Lowe’s cycle has returned to normal now but is quite heavy. “I do not see how out of the six years since I’ve birthed a baby, that was the one month my cycle decided to go haywire.”
The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) documents similar reproductive complications.
“My period has always been regular. Expected period was to begin on 02/22/2021 (after second vaccine dose) and bleeding did not occur,” a 25-year-old woman from Pennsylvania, who received both doses of Moderna’s vaccine, reported to the system, which is run by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
One VAERS report describes a 51-year-old woman from Georgia who received a first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in January and within three days developed a blood rash (petechiae) on her ankles that gradually spread to her knees. She was admitted to the hospital five days after her vaccine with vaginal bleeding and anemia. She was diagnosed with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, a blood clotting disorder, which led to her worsening liver function, painful leg swelling, and purple discoloration. She died February 1.